Rogan Shoes — False Advertising

Rogan’s employee(s) expressed to me that when you purchase one sets of shoes you get the following pair deep discounted (of the most reduced cost obtained). I was advised to keep the receipt and the receipt has no close date. On 6/30/15 I acquired a couple of shoes from Rogan’s and exhibited a substantial receipt. I was informed that this was not the “correct” receipt. I was informed that I ought to have gotten two(2) receipts, one little and one extensive. I was educated the bigger of the two receipts is the main receipt which can be utilized for this offer. The receipt I introduced was a legitimate Rogan receipt. It has their name imprinted on it with the date and the cost paid. It clearly was made from their register. I don’t was given a second receipt. I was never educated then, or from that point forward to keep the “bigger” receipt. I feel I introduced legitimate evidence of procurement. Rogan’s not debate the way that the receipt I displayed speaks to a legitimate buy. They decline to respect their discounted strategy in light of the fact that I don’t have the “bigger” receipt. I feel that I am owed $30.00. I exhibited a substantial receipt. It was not acknowledged despite the fact that they recognize that is one of their receipts. These different stipulations were not identified with me at the first’s season buy.

Rogan Shoes, Inc.
1750 Ohio St, Racine, WI 53405
Phone: (800) 976-4267 FREE
Fax: (262) 637-3319

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