Prestige Bail Bonds Baltimore, Maryland — Steals Money!

My husband was arrested for Domestic Violence, and Criminal Damaging. We hired Prestige Bail Bonds.We used Joy Marielle Tobon owner of Prestige Bail Bonds to get my husband out of jail. She told me and my mother in law that she will need $5,000 down for a $50,000 bond. That was going to be a big problem for me because i did not have $5,000 Only cash i had to my name was $4,500 Joy ask me if I own any vehicles or do i own stocks and bonds. I told her that i did not own any thing, she ask me if i get food stamps, I told her i get 375.00 per month, She told me that she can work with food stamps but i could not tell a soul about it, then she says that she can only knock off some money towards the 500.i sill owe her. She said only way she can do this deal is give me 50 cent on dollar for the food stamps, i had to keep 75.00 so i can live. so i gave her 300.00 in food stamps she only knock of 150.00 for the food stamps or 150. towards the balance and my mother came up with the rest of the money. I posted a bond on 8/27/15 Joy Marielle Tobon dont want to return me the Money, the bond never was posted because early that night his sister had post the bond, with another Bail Bond Agent, I went to her office to see if she will give my money back and her office it was always close. I call Joy Marielle Tobon the owner of Prestige Bail Bonds told her that his sister had already hired other company if i can please get my money back and this woman got very upset with me on the phone and hung up on me. This is when i got very upset and drove to her dumpy office and made contact with her thats when she was screaming at me and told me to leave never come back here again or i will put your *** on and your life will be ****** for ever.My husbands law office told us that nobody in the legal profession recommends Joy Marielle Tobon because she has a reputation of hating woman even the name females. very good at revoking bonds at the drop of a hat, for any and all small reasons. Joys black boy friend D.J was arguing in front of me because she was accusing him of cheating on her. Prestige Bail Bonds is unethical, very unprofessional business practices that cost the client money and waste hours of valuable time. I Ask why she is stealing and revoking so many bails on prisoners in Baltimore, Maryland jails. I have had calls from so many people that they had paid her cash money that they were taken in and placed back in jail with no reason..don’t recommend this woman to no body..Fat ***** Joy can go **** her self

Joy Marielle Tobon
Prestige Bail Bonds
200 N Highland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 537-5050

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