Instacart — Monthly Plan NEVER Cancelled (12321)

I spoke to Patricia on 12321 to cancel my membership with Instacart. However this morning12821 I was notified that the transaction from Instacart was deducted from my account. I asked Patricia would I be receiving a action regarding this and she said no which is sad because it would have prevented all the extra calls and aggravation that I’m going through right now. How much time would it take to send an email ation when you cancel. I’ve had a great experience with Instacart however this is way too time-consuming; one email could have prevented all this nonsense. Curious if others have experienced this? Instacart needs to do better when it comes to canceling memberships,

Just spoke to another agent (Rhazhel) from Instacart and the first agent (Patricia) did not cancel my monthly plan. However Rhazhel not only cancelled my monthly plan but I received an email (I requested that she stay on the line) which I should have received on the 12321.

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