Victor Edward Cabot — Fort Worth, Texas

We were in a relationship for more than three years. During that time we had several disagreements during which he would disappear for a few days. Later I found out that he was seeing other women. This happened repeatedly during the relationship. Once he went to the theatre with tickets he had bought for me and he took his ex-girlfriend. One time I called one of the women he went out with and she told me he said he was single. At the time I had a bouquet of 12 roses on my dining room table from him. His visits to “church” became more and more frequent. He even went on a church sponsored trip to the holy land. All the religion did not cover up the fact that he was a predator. He could not stand to be alone, and was always in the company of other women. He is engaged now, to another woman from his “church”. I wish her good luck, because she has a hard road ahead of her. When we were together he constantly had me followed. I went to the police, but he said he would **** me if I interfered with his job by filing a report.

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