Trinity Myers – Texas

So I had a really good job with ATT for over 16 yrs and we were going through a surplus my husband told me to finally quit work and go back to school and get my teaching degree. So I took the retirement package and started school. I was spending a lot of time studying so that I could get really good grade and get scholarships so that I could help financially since I knew this was a burden on him to know he always had to work to pay the bills and keep me in school and are three girls clothed and feed. Then little Ms. Kathy comes to his work and begins to talk and pay attention to him and flirt and talk and giggle and my husband feeling neglected falls right into this ploy. They are both wrong in this situation and I blame them both and think they are liars and cheats and neither should be trusted with a ten foot pole and gloves. He begs and begs for my forgiveness as I catch them continuing to talk and all the while this woman is lying to my face even after our oldest daughter finds out and is now in counseling to deal and understand something she should never have had to deal with. This women is a snake and will tell you bold face lies over and over again. My Ex husband will do the same. They are scam artists and liars and deserve each other, even though they are not together and she ended up leaving her fiancé to have a chance at being with my husband who really only wanted a piece of a** since I was not paying attention to him, but instead of talking to me about it. He went to the first piece of a** to shake her a** in his face. Both are awful people. I finally drove him to her house and dropped him off with her ex fiancé there as well and she was all over him trying to get him calmed down so that he would not kick my husband ****. This to me is ridiculous, if you claim to want to be together and someone gift wraps them for you and bring them to you. then take them and be honest and move on. The only people you are hurt are the ones you are cheating on.

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