Trent Wieties — Illinois

I was contacted on Tinder app by Trent Wieties. He told me his name was Jeffery Robenson. He told me he was single and divorced after being cheated on for years by his ex wife who he called Sarah Robenson. He said he would go out of town for military service and she would cheat the whole time he was away. He kept comparing himself to me and my situation, with me being a single mother who was cheated on, he was very good at relating telling me about his 2 boys and even sending me pics of them. He told me he lived in Springfield and that he worked so much was hard to meet people and his multiple jobs make it hard to talk on the phone much. He told me about his crazy ex stalking him and ruining every relationship he tries to have. We texted a lot and snapped most of the time. We talked for weeks before he convinced me to meet him. All the pictures he sent matched when I met him and I never suspected that he was a serial cheater. We had a good time one afternoon and after that his number was never answered, I texted called and snapped and was completely ignored. I tried everything I could think of to try and get in touch with him but it was like he never existed. Once I tried googling him with all the stuff I could find in my texts and I finally saw a picture that was him. Surprise to me his name is Trent or Trenton Wieties and he is married and cheating on his spouse. I found so many people in the same shoes as me once I found his real name. I can’t believe I fell for this. I was used and thrown away. Why would anyone do this to someone. Why would anyone not just be with your own wife for *** instead of hurting someone that liked you. I will never let my guard down again and although my ex cheated and hurt me this has been a more horrifying experience as he convinced me to do things I would normally never do. Meeting up with someone the first time in person at a hotel made me feel like a prostitute but I did it because I thought he was a good guy and this would lead to a relationship. I can’t believe how easy I was to trick and how many others he has tricked into the same thing. Everyone needs to know what he is doing so this doesn’t happen to them. Trust your first instincts if tinder profile doesn’t have a real picture or a picture of their face and they blame a stalking ex as the reason you better think carefully as it may be another married cheater in fact in may be Trenton Wieties doing all this again to you.

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