Summer Vandergilt — Las Vegas, Nevada

Summer is a dumb ***** who thinks she’s so classy but she’s really just a worthless sloot. Her ego is ridiculously inflated and even though she’s lived with her mommy her whole life, it’s obvious all that babying hasn’t done her any good. Broke, no car, and no job, she sits in her room all day playing “Instagram model” and sending naked photos of herself to married and involved men. She sees herself as a “victim” because she’s a spinner but everyone knows what a psychopathic drama queen she is. All of the filters in the world can’t hide this ugly *****’s face. Enjoy being a heartless homewrecker living with your stupid helicopter mommy, *****.

5 thoughts on “Summer Vandergilt — Las Vegas, Nevada

  1. This was made by Rebecca Ann Grogan a mentally ill 40 year old woman who takes substances on top of having a personality disorder with her cheating boyfriend “Wally”. She can’t keep a job because she gets fired for being insane at every bar and restaurant in town. Becca blames young women for Wally’s years of manwhore behavior with multiple women and has been stalking Miss Summer for years threatening to post photos of Summer from when she was young, and had sent a package of fake **** to Summers home as well as researched Summers life in detail making hundreds of fake social media accounts slandering her like someone with no job, life, hobbies, or dreams would. As someone who knows Summer personally for 10 years and knows the full story, people like Becca and Wally need to be banned from the internet or locked up in jail. These sites are a joke!

  2. wally lang is a predator and his loopy girlfriend needs to check herself cuz she’s out there playing victim when she knows what he does and never blames him for it
    this is what wrong with this country everyone flips the script

  3. Becca Grogan and Wally Lang the bartender have been stalking and slandering this girl for years and have gotten into a lot of drama here in Vegas this is what happens when scum from North Carolina start trying to make it in a big city they create hillbilly problems with the locals

  4. I work with Summer and she actually does have a car and a job…yall are some jealous sad pathetic losers to be out there lying on peoples name everyone gets their heart broken get over it!

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