PNC Bank — Extended hold

I deposited $12k and when opening account told banker I would be purchasing furniture etc for a new residence. Did purchase numerous items without a problem on 12062022 withdrew $1700 and balance left was $160.22 and a hold has been on this balance since. I received an email stating that the funds were now available $160.22. Went to lobby where I opened acct and I can not withdraw until the one person who place the hold releases the hold. 24 hours later hold is still there acct number 4726053839 with these problems I just want to close this account !!! As large as a company as this is why is it isolated to one individual to release a hold …. Do I need to file a complaint with my attorney ? Release my mere $160.22 and I will never do business was with this bank again. I am 74 years old and have never been suspected of fraud. Just going about a relocation from Dallas to Houston.

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