Nicole (Eldridge) Collison — Kent, England

This is my daughter. She had an affair with a married man while he was on holiday in England. This man went back to the U.S. where he continued a full relationship with his wife. Nicole and this man carried on with the affair long distance for a couple of months before his wife figured it out. The man swore to his wife that he’d stop the affair and wanted to be with wife forever if she’d have him. At the same time, this man was telling my daughter that he wasn’t in a true relationship with his wife and that he’d be back to England to be with her soon. These were all lies. This kept up for another year and a half even though Nicole knew that this man was married, and even knew that the man had moved in with his wife after they sold the house mid-way through the affair, so he was by no means making any sort of effort to leave his wife. When the man brought his wife on holiday to England and lied to my daughter about being there, she found out about it, got upset, and broke up with him. Then she started using me to torture his wife as though she had done something wrong in all of this. It’s despicable what my daughter has done. I’m ashamed of her.

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