Melissa Price Rhodes — Montana

She will do anything for attention. She needs it constantly. Good, bad, it doesn’t matter. I don’t even know why we were ever friends. She was constant drama. Constantly seeking attention from men in any fashion. She would pretend to be drunk to play off her “bad decisions” but no one ever saw her have more than a drink or two. Nothing it lies came out of her mouth. She had some kind of dramatic story about everything and anything. When I wouldn’t give her the attention she wanted she decided to get it from my boyfriend. She was the shoulder I cried on every time he was a total **** to me. The whole time, she was his shoulder to cry on too and would tell him everything I said and did. She earned it trust then she slept with him. When it came to light she lied. Changed her story 4 times. Now I had known of other females to say she did this kind of thing but I never thought she would to me. She had wrecked other relationships too. She would always mess with her ex husband anytime he started to move on. She’s seriously one sick *****.

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