Lidl — £5 off £25 spend voucher not working

On 16921 I entered your Waltham Abbey store and spent £31.71 on various goods. On checkout I presented a £5 off £25 spend voucher to the cashier. He said They don’t work and returned the voucher to me . When I enquired as to why he just shrugged his shoulders and said I dunno . Just then the gentleman behind me told me that he had tried to use the same type of voucher himself only to get the same result . I am sure this is an error on your part and not an attempt to entice customers to spend £25 with a fictitious voucher . I’m sure it is a system fault as my sister had a voucher which she redeemed from a newspaper that worked perfectly. To rectify this problem I would like a £5 credit note or voucher of the same value that actually works by way of

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