Kyle Patrick — Pompano Beach, Florida

I wanna get one thing straight I’m not coming here to bash Kyle Patrick. de, I just want what’s right and what’s right is to prevent anyone else from getting lied to and emotionally stressed and cheated on it really has a tole on one’s health. Kyle Patrick is the reason I’m coming here today he has started cheating on me and just being sneaky. I left him and I’m not here to say he’s a bad man or anything but he is a cheater and no woman wants that. Kyle also on other dating sites looking for other women to have *** with him. He also owns a scam business South Shore Roofing website he takes customer’s money never goes back to finish the job. The best advice I can give you is if you ever run into Kyle Patrick don’t sign any of his fake contracts or go on a date with him you will be sorry you did. Don’t say I did not give you a warning.

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