Kim Knisley — Dayton, Ohio

So, this is Kim (hereinafter referred to as “Skanky K”). She is a trashy, desperate home-wrecking ***** that apparently can’t find a man of her own, so she latches on to other womens’ boyfriends, finances, husband etc… She has not only done this once, but multiple times over the course of her pathetic and worthless life (Leopards really can’t change their spots). Allow me to explain the two instances I am privy to…. The explanation of occurrences I will provide are specific to the same “man” (you’ll find that “man” really doesn’t fit beyond physiology, but for the sake of argument, we’ll go with it, since “slimy hypocritical, maniplulative, faux-religious sh*tbag” takes too long to write…but I digress): The first go-around was when the “man” (we’ll call him “D”) was engaged to marry a young lady whom we’ll call “M.” Then, enters “Skanky K” who, knowing his situation, decided to be his “side b*tch” anyway. As the story goes, after allegedly “finding Jesus” (I think he was behind the couch), D either told M about it, or she found out about it herself, after which, she promptly dumped him. D goes to dump Skanky K (but not before f*cking her again one last time…great guy), and then goes on his merry way… You’d think that’d end it…but no, wait: there’s more! (in my infomercial voice). Skanky K pulls a tactic straight from the Trashy ***** Handbook, and claims to be preggers!!! How does D respond? He makes her take a test on the spot…and when it comes up negative, bails as a good douchebag would. Apparently, this didn’t keep Skanky K down for long, because she turns up with a real “bun in the dirty oven” in short order. Talk about landing on your feet…or back, in this case. Shortly after the broken engagement and Skanky K fiasco, D meets me. Of course, the story according to him is that he’s a victim of circumstance…claiming that after they were both “saved” M felt that *** told her they should not be together. Little did I know at the time, “***” was actually the spread legs of Skanky K and his inability to keep “little D” in his pants… Anyway, ridiculously long story short, D and I end up married. D turns out to be manipulative, controlling, and degrading…making sure that I know that I am basically a glorified ***-toy (because the Bible says I am his property and I can’t refuse ***), and that no one else would want or put up with me, so I left, legally separating from him with the intent of divorcing. He decides to get involved with Skanky K again after running into her at Wal-Mart (fitting)…where he again plays the innocent victim, and tries to garner the sympathy of online “churchies” that don’t know the real him, and of course, Skanky K. I should also mention that while she was carrying on with him, she was already involved with yet another individual. I swear, that girl’s revolving door spins so fast, she likely never has to pay for air conditioning… After a year-long separation and some discussions, D and I decided to try to reconcile…at least so I thought. There he stood, in his grandmother’s kitchen talking about how “*** didn’t want us to separate,” and that he gets a second chance with his “beautiful wife,” while, in reality, he was keeping his side-piece…the ever-desperate Skanky K…on standby. He promised to change is phone number…NOPE that didn’t happen. How else would he be able to read the barrage of “sad memes,” suicide threats, and incessant texts from her? No…instead, he reverted to treating me like garbage, disappearing for hours at a time, and gas-lighting me so that I’d come off as irrational whenever I called him on his sh*t. Needless to say, I followed through with the divorce. And they continue on…trashily ever after. I just LOVE a happy ending…

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