Kevin Allan Miller — Florida

Kevin Allan Miller, of Pembroke Pines / Miramar, Florida.. I dated and lived with him for 11 years. When my sister did and I needed him he was banging another women. He finds them on craigslist and takes them to the mobil gas station bathroom. He likes hookers while on family vacations. Everytime I tried to leave he would break down and tell me about how he was molested as a child and that the doctor say that’s why he cheats. He uses something heinous that happened to him to hurt other people. Eventually I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the psyche ward, to which he responded by cheating while I was in the hospital. I told him something in confidence about my boss and my job and Kevin repeated it, and it got back to my boss and I was terminated because of it. This man has destroyed my life, my well being, and my sanity. I have anxiety all the time. When I met him he didn’t even have a car to drive.. I helped him, when his dad died and had no life insurance I buried him. He repaid me in pain. Lots and lots of pain

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