Katelynn Clarke — New Hampshire

This wh*** Katelynn knew full well that my husband had a wife and child at home and that we had been together for many years, took advantage of him while they were out with a friend and even talked him into having *** at that friend’s house…..30 feet from my house. Barged into my house to have *** with him on Christmas Day while my son and I were away. Would send him nudes and provocative memes while he was sitting right next to me and our son. When I figured out what was happening I told him to end it, he did and we went about our life; ‘Katie’ and her friend Jean (whom is also on this site) started harassing him, calling him hundreds of times a night, leaving voicemails, texting, etc. until he changed his number – we moved on and had our second child a few months later. She saw us in a grocery store, followed us through the store, waited for me to walk away and continued to try talking to him. Since then she has gone on to completely ruin someone else’s marriage and some other child’s life, and almost get run over by a car because of it.. but that’s not my story to tell.

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