Kara Whitson — Monroe, North Carolina

Kara Whitson is a Physical Therapy Technician fake friend and overall ***** who will stand next to you through the ups and downs just waiting to **** your boyfriend even when she knows he has a girlfriend and children. If she bothered to get dressed and go out to a bar before the closing time she could probably find a man who thought she offered a warm pair of lips. But this lazy ***** will wait around for a marriage or relationship to hit a bad patch in the road before she makes herself available as a girlfriend substitute. Then, all of a sudden, she’s like a real-life blow-up doll with a plastic face and rubber holes ready to stand in for a girlfriend or wife when the man is looking to fill a hole with an unreleased load. Kara comes to life and scores with some cheater ****. Thanks for being there, *****!

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