Johann Schart — Kansas

I was like any other kid; I was a dreamer and also had dreams. Looking back into my life and talking to professional’s over the years, I realized that my memories were compressed and I have very little memory; before the age of 12. I have and still do have a brother; who is five years younger than me. Dad was in the military and we traveled quite often. It seemed like every two years; I was getting a new friend. So finding myself and my identity quickly became a game. Mother was trying to do her best, with the hand she dealt with in her life. Around the age of five years old, I was sexually attacked, by an old friend of the family. Old friend would equal no longer a friend. Ghostbusters the toy was my first addiction I can remember, when dad was stationed in Nebraska. So I was set-up with Avoidance Personality Disorder, which I would have to figure out, years to come. My father was an active alcoholic at the time, while mother was dabbling with her own addiction. All in the same breath, we all had our own mental addictions also. My parents separated when I was around six years old.

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