Jennifer Schrock — Rockwood, Tennessee

She can’t find a man to stay with so she creates a sob story about how she was abused to make men feel bad. She relies on heroes to save her pathetic excuse of an existence. She tries to break up perfectly happy homes with illusions of providing a better life to some taken man. If she wasn’t a miserable human being she wouldn’t try to bring good men down with her. She spends more time at work apparently trying to sleep with men rather than do her job being a nurse. She was told repeatedly to back off but can’t hear past her 80s hair and bangs. She is a grandma that should be ashamed for the example she is setting. TAKE A LOOK AT THAT AQUANET HEAD AND 80S STYLE.

1 thought on “Jennifer Schrock — Rockwood, Tennessee

  1. Hey, chill with the 80’s hair comments. At least her hair looks well groomed and decent. Not like that stringy 70’s **** hair, with the ugly part in the middle, that they repeated again in the early 2000’s. For a grandma, her hair looks just fine. However, her always playing victim and being a home wrecker, is not acceptable. A nurse should know better. Nurses don’t have to depend on men, especially men that don’t belong to them.

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