Jennifer Poff — Ardmore, Oklahoma

Beware, this is Jennifer Poff. This ***** has a long track record of homewrecking. I heard that she’s working on her 5th marriage, and that a couple of those relationships were started by cheating on her most recent husband at the time, then getting divorced then marrying the person she was cheating with. I found out that she was in a relationship with her boyfriend that she knew since she was a child (coincidentally I heard she cheated on her last husband with this guy) when she tried to wreck a co-worker’s (one of my good friends) home by trying to manipulate him into being her next victim. He has a wife and three children, and seemingly okay but was going through severe depression and she tried to use that to her advantage to make it seem like she was becoming a true friend when she wasnt. They worked at a school together everyday, and one day I heard she even tried to have *** with him at the school. She even tried to become friends with his wife after that, then threatened her if she ever accused her of sleeping with a married man, when she had only asked Jennifer how long she knew her husband. He quit his job and eventually told his wife of 15 years what had happened. Now they are seeking out counseling and having fights everyday over this. His children hear the fights everyday, and his wife is beyond heartbroken. Watching them try to heal after a ***** like this spit on their family has been a slow and long process. Jennifer is the lowest of lows, avoid her at all costs!

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