Gabriel Campos — Miami, Florida

Ladies watch out for this smooth talking, lying, cheating loser! He will start everything very romantic “Typical ****** Miami Men” to sleep with you well if he can even get you to do that. He is always on the search for someone new on social media “INSTAGRAM to be exact”. He uses his “Good Daddy Role” and his sons pics to get you to fall for it all that while being sweet and caring but it’s all an act and your time will be wasted. He will go the Extreme to meet your friends, family and even introduce you to his son, but when he decides he’s bored he will lie and leave you hanging with no explanation why? Typical a**hol#!! He is a coward and needs to be treated with the same respect he gives to woman NONE. He is 27 will be 28 Nov. 7th and had a lot of growing up to do, poor thing thinks he will be breaking hearts for a while. He works at southern wines and spirits but his level of professionalism apparently stays in the office. He is a compulsive liar and instead of being a real man hides his true colors to be entertained. His Instagram is: **Be on the lookout ladies his looks and sweet talk can be deceiving!

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