Federico Sifuentes — Clinton, Mississippi

Although he is currently married (with this woman since about 1999), De I KNOW for a fact, that he has cheated on his current wife multiple times with the same person (from 1999-2006). I suspect he has also cheated on her with others, but I am unable to prove that. When he & I were married, he continually twisted facts and made me feel stupid or ashamed for even thinking that he could possibly cheat on me… even though he, in fact, WAS CHEATING! He also manipulated me into apologizing profusely when I had done nothing wrong and he ‘so graciously’ forgave me. He is a master manipulator! He will deny, deny, deny… his unfaithfulness, and will somehow turn things around on you until you are completely convinced that you are wrong and totally unworthy of him and his ‘love’! Watch out!

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