Eduardo/Eddy Biart

Eddy Biart 24 year old,Latin boy Located in Miami Florida Eddy Biart has a very aggressive Borderline Personality Disorder. He also has little man complex and has no car or job. He expects help from you and if he doesn’t get his way will throw a tantrum and punch the closest thing to him . I happened to be one of his punching bags…and my car windshield. He goes through anger cycles like crazy. Will verbally abuse you for days then act like you re his one and only the day after. He will reflect all his insecurities and traumas on you to try to make you believe you’re the one with the problems. The last straw was when I found him talking to a girl, who turned him down, on the cell phone bill I was stupidly paying for. He even had the audacity to demand I connect the phone again even after I found this out. This guys is crazy. Don’t be stupid like me and think he is curable. He’s beyond repair. eddy.jpg (33 KB)Eduardo/Eddy Biart

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