Denise D. Estrada — Corpus Christi, Texas

Denise D. Estrada is a 53 year old prostitute in Corpus Christi, Tx. Denise prostitutes under the pseudonyms Lilyann and Syrie. Denise has ran ads on multiple online sites prostituting herself all of Central Texas but mainly in Austin, Tx and the Gulf Coast. She’s posted on Craigslist, Backpage, 411, Eccie and Listcrawler. Her current listing can be found on VibeFun under the name Syrie advertising that she is available in Victoria, Tx. Denise likes to lie and pretend she’s a former Police Officer when in reality she was never more than a Rent-a-Cop many years ago. There is no way a real Police Officer with an moral integrity would ever go from protecting the public to harming innocent unkowing women and children which is ultimately what Denise has accomplished. I found out about Denise after my husband tested positive for many STDs and came clean about frequenting prostitutes. Denise’s phone number shows up frequently on our phone records going back to 2011. I also discovered many emails back and forth between Denise and my husband discussing payment for *** as well as meeting places such as Restraunts and Motels. Needless to say this has ruined our marriage and I’m devastated beyond repair. I struggled for years with major health issues and was finally recuperating. Now I will forever have to deal with the possibility of STDs and HPV that would ultimately guarantee the return of Ovarian Cancer and tumors I’ve already battled in the past… all thanks to my deceitful husband and this horrid, filthy, wretched excuse of a woman. My goal is to warn other faithful devoted wives of Denise and of the fact that she is knowingly spreading life threatening venereal diseases with the full knowledge that the men that pay to sleep with her are then going home and passing the diseases on to thier unsuspecting wives. Denise apparently bragged to my husband that because she was a former Police Officer that she’d never get caught prostituting and no one would ever know. Well I promise I’m going to make sure everyone knows exactly what she does and who she truly is… and she’s left a rather substantial trail of evidence to prove that all of it is true.

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