Debra Franklin — Vincennes, Indiana

We were happy, until that day. I got a text from my soon to ex hussands ex that her and their daughter were homeless. They lived 4 hours away and I’ve always had a heart. So I offered a hand of kindness. I invited his ex and my stepdaughter to come live with us for a bit. After I brought them down and got them situated J started acting funny. He became withdrawn and angry at me. I figured it was the change in environment and he would be fine. The entire 3 years we were married he was never good with change but it only got worse and then J started to guard his phone and started demanding that I go places alone all the time, even places that required him. I knew something was up. Finally she came clean. They had been sleeping together and dating since I brought her down. The entire thing was planned even before I brought her down. I confronted J. He begged for forgiveness and even threw her out to prove he loved me. I forgave which was a horrible mistake. They kept it going. On December 15th 2013 J and I had an argument in which he packed up and moved right in with her. Now he pretends our kids don’t exist and even has made claims they are not his because I’m a homewrecking *****. From my understanding of research this “lady” sees married men as a challenge and has broken up more homes one way or another than anything. I don’t just blame her though. The man who claimed to love me until death do us part is more guilty than she is. He knew he had a wife and 2 kids. And he should know not to sleep with another woman in what is now my bed. Now I have family of both mine and his shoving the blame on to me by asking me what did I expect when I helped her out? I expected respect and to be able to trust J. Now in a month I go from happy home to single mom over 1 good deed. But as if betraying me wasn’t enough, they have both spent the last 3 weeks stalking and harassing me. De I had to take both kids and move 2 hours away so I could be left alone by them. They are both perfect for each other, her a homewrecking ***** and him a pathetic loser who is unfaithful. I’m just glad she can’t have any more kids. Their beautiful 6 year old is screwed up enough without them being able to screw up any more children. I will be alright. Less trusting, but alright. Them 2 on the other hand, karma is making her rounds and I hope I get to see it while eating popcorn!

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