DeAnna Raihl – Seattle, Washington

I’m not sure where to begin with the life of former Seattle SeaGal (which she tells everyone btw) DeAnna Lynn Raihl aka @bombshellhairapy on Instagram. I guess I should establish after looking up the word sociopath she fits the bill. She shows no remorse for her actions which cause catastrophic results. She has always gotten by with her beauty meanwhile hurting those around her. Her lies include: false pregnancies, theft of narcotics, cheating on boyfriends, email fraud and bring bridges with those who have helped her financially by not paying back a red cent. DeAnna’s life has been a constant struggle to read between the lines of all of her lies. Dec 2016 – loaned her $1000 to pay bills ( never paid back) Dec 2016 – loaned her $700 to pay bills ( never paid back) Dec 2016- she stole a bottle of prescription Xanax and lied about it, later saying she only took “a few”. Dec 2016- she said she was single and manipulated me for money. 3 days later I received an insensitive email saying I was a terrible person I was. 2 days later she said her boyfriend hacked her email and wrote that ( another lie). May 2017- She said she was single and we went out for drinks and slept together, next day she texted me that she had a boyfriend ( lied again). Aug 2017- drove to my house professing her love for me, 3 days later emailed me telling me how horrible of a person I was and that she moved on. Oct 20 2017- She texted me that she was going to kill herself and took pills and was going to O.D. soon. I called the police and they went to her and put her in the ambulance taking her to the hospital. They police said I did the right thing and ” that girl has a lot of problems”. She texted me the next day stating I was a “terrible human being” for calling the police (helping her) and I needed to pay for her medical bills. July 20th 2018- she shows up at my house drunk and I told her to leave, she cried saying she had no money so I had to pay out of my own pocket to Uber her home. DeAnna is a delusional person. I’m not sure what happened in her childhood or if she is chemically imbalanced. I have never met anyone more selfish or insecure than DeAnna. She needs constant praise and will make sure to tell everyone that will listen that she is a phenomenal athlete, beautiful, multiple men want her and of course she was a Seattle SeaGal. After talking to multiple men with the same story of her saying she was raped and/or drugged by them her lies have come full circle. And of course every man she has ever been with has abused her in some shape or form. She throws the word rape around like its common practice with no regard to how she harms others with her lies and attention seeking quests. She has the ability to say small lies like ” the waitress said you were being a jerk to me so she brought me a glass of wine” to larger scale lies such as telling HR that she was raped by a coworker on a business trip when multiple witnesses saw her willing go to the mans room. It was later discovered that she lied and was fired. M y conclusion is that DeAnna Raihl is a delusional person and inflated sense of self and needs serious help, be it institution or medication She is not stable and her track record of lying is habitual. She will say anything without the self-awareness of the harm that her actions and words cause others. I can say without a straight face and without hesitation that DeAnna Raihl is the worst person I’ve encountered in my life. You can view this sociopath at : @bombshellhairapy on Instagram. Stay FAR AWAY AND DON’T TELL HER YOU HAVE MONEY.

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