Dawne M Yankasky — Dayton, Ohio

Dawne M Yankasky use to work at Bluegreen Home Healthcare back in 2010 years ago and got fired for stealing from her in-home elderly victim Helen Combs.

Helen Combs had in-home healthcare nurse by the name of Dawne M Yankasky. She was to work 8 hours per day in-home with taking care of Helen Combs. Dawne M Yankasky would run the sweeper take out the trash wash the dishes and cooked and give Helen Combs her medication and take her vital signs and give her a bath. I would visited Helen Combs practically every day and each time I would show up the nurse would not be there, So I ask Helen Combs where is your nurse at? Helen Combs said she let her go home early because she got all her work done in few hours. Helen Combs has to sign her nurse time out sheet and sign it for 8 hours of work, this is insurance fraud. Keep in mind that Helen Combs has dementia. Helen Combs said she has let this nurse go home early for years.

I have met Helen Combs nurse about 9 times to me she sounds like a sweetheart. There was one day Helen Combs nurse brought some homemade peanut butter cookies from her home and gave Helen Combs 6 of the cookies and she gave me 6 also

Helen Combs is a victim with dementia was the victim that was robbed while she was sleeping in her bed at home. Dawne M Yankasky came in and stole the woman’s 5k ring that her dead husband bought her right off her finger.

Helen Combs would have her in-home care nurse Dawne M Yankasky would go to the bank ATM to withdraw money for Helen Combs and go to the store at that time she would also help her self to Helen Combs money. Dawne M Yankasky had stole close to $62,000 from her patient. She used the cards many times over a two-year-period to withdraw money from the victim’s bank accounts

1) Dawne M Yankasky not only committed fraud going home 6 to 7 hours early by milking the insurance company.

2) Dawne M Yankasky had stolen over close to $62,000 from Helen Combs.

3) Dawne M Yankasky has stolen Helen Combs pain pills.

4) Dawne M Yankasky has stolen Helen Combs 5k ring that her dead husband bought her right off her finger.

I found out when she got fired from Bluegreen Home Healthcare back in 2010 She got hired at Fidelity Health Care by Premier Health in August 9 2011
So be on the lookout for Dawne Yankasky, RN, Fidelity Health Care

It hurts and angers me that you may feel when a nurse in-home violates your trust or the trust of a loved one.

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