David B Rowe — Colorado

This man is divorcing his 4th wife. He is very good at gaining sympathy and being the victim of all these “b******”. Truth? He is a compulsive *** addict and pathological liar with narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies. He is bisexual, or tri sexual, as in “try anything, anyone, anywhere. He left his 4th wife for a senior citizen that he met on some *** swapping website. Has been fired from many jobs for sleeping with employees. He likes men, women, phone ***, orgies, strangers, chat rooms and *** only knows, what kind of ****. He prefers to do himself as he is a narcissist. Constantly. He always is looking for feed for his ego. His seduction and promises are all lies, he is grooming as many people as he can behind your back. He loves to play ordained minister to gain your trust, sweet southern charm and manners, but he is cheap, quick on the draw (less than 4 min) and couldn’t care less about you as he already has several others if you don’t cut it. Consider this your warning. Lots of bedroom problems, betrayal and lies.

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