Dan Saffron — California

This guys Father stole 250k from his son to start and open Burger Kitchen in LA. And later with the help of Jason Cestaro who was the owner of Libertine on Sunset. Jason ran both Businesses to the Ground. I know this because I represented Jason in many legal Battles including one with Smoke City in the Valley. Dan Saffron never paid his Employees. And Jason scammed them too. Those two are two pees in a pod. Fraudsters.

2 thoughts on “Dan Saffron — California

  1. Lol. I remember this Goof Ball. And I did see Kitchen Nightmares they did a part one and two.

    Burger Kitchen was in Business one year. Everything about that place was a joke. And I remember towards the end. A lot of workers were never paid.

    Dan shout have a job playing computer games. He’s not smart enough to run anything. But a joy stick or key board.

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