Countess Tyler — Atlanta, Georgia

This woman Countess Tyler will sleep with your husband if she gets an opportunity. An evil and reckless excuse for a female. She knowingly gets involved with married men in hopes that they will leave their homes to take care of her and her two kids from two different men. She married an ape sh*t reject who is clueless about the games she’s been running on him. BEWARE! Wives! If this POS finds out your man has something going for himself she will try her best to destroy your marriage. She doesn’t mind sucking and f#*king her way into any position that she thinks will benefit her and her kids. This wh@*e laid up with my husband off and on for a few years and got nothing but the f#*king run around a few dollars through moneygram and stress… oh and lie after lie. She lied and told my husband she couldn’t feed her kids, her lights were getting cut off and the b#*ch faced eviction after eviction. She moved from spot to spot running from all the h@* moves she’s made. Claimed she was molested by her daddy a dope head… you know the usual “trifling hoe mentality” that somebody owed her something. If your man is weak or going through something like my husband was this woman will be attracted to him but will pretend she didn’t know he was married. Countess Adonis Tyler (Burris is the maiden name) is her name and she is a nurse so BEWARE this woman will TRY to take your man!! Karma is a b. Keep ******** married men and your days will be cut short. Sad that you had to get involved with a married man because you have a black heart and no morals or dignity. Only games played dear. Just as you left a mark on my marriage a mark was left on yours.

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