Costco — Cell phone offer

Purchased two cell phones on June 22, 2022. Aaron and Chris were the sales agents at the kiosk. We accepted an offer to purchase two cell phones on the T Mobil plan whereunder by the terms of the offer, we would receive a refundrebate of the less expensive phone and a $100.00 gift card. To accomplish we were at the kiosk that day for about 5 hours while these two bumbled about trying to arrange the sale and the offer. Chris, who began working with us, just up and left about 7PM, leaving it to Aaron(He said he had a hot date, wink, wink). Not receiving anything via email as promised, we returned a few weeks later. another 4 hours, promises, and nothing. We came back a third time. Finally, Aaron got the rebate straight after 3 more hours. Still have not received the Costco gift card, These two were very unprofessional, in both appearance and ability. We should have been out of the store on the first visit in not more than 1 hour with them, but obviously they knew not what they were doing. We spent a lot of money on those two phones. At one point in our last visit we were promised two Costco $100 gift cards for our inconvenience. the district manager was to call us the next day. No call and no gift cards to this day, nearly 3 months later’ All they had to do is do what was promised in the T-Mobile offer and do it efficiently and ly. Did not happen.

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