Brittney Venable — Breieingsville, Pennsylvania

This 25 year old person (23 when It started) was married all of 4 months with a 2 year old when she decided she didn’t want to be married anymore . She then prioceeded to throw herself at my then 41 year old husband even knowing he was married and had an 8 year old daughter. Brittney has no remorse or conscience. My marriage was not in the best shape, I admit that and I guess that is how she rationalized her behavior. But I in reality divorce was not even being considered until she came along. I wanted to try and work things out for many reasons but mostly for my 8 year Old daughter. She refused to back off while we figured things out. She wouldn’t stop calling and texting. He refused to stop talking to her and insisted that they were just friends. I got a hold of some text messages and FB messages between them, and this is where I found out the truth that there were sleeping together. It literally broke my heart and confirmed to me that divorce was imminent and my daughter’s and I’s lives were irretrievably changed. I met my ex in college at 19 years of age. We were together for 22 years, married for 9 years or 10 if you go by when the divorce decree was granted, he was my one and only person I ever loved. My daughter and I moved away, and I was the one that ultimately had to file for divorce. Ironically, I am divorced and she is not. Everyone needs to know what kind of person she is. Her family and friends should know the truth about her. She literally thinks she did nothing wrong, and that our marriage was over. Maybe it was over BUT we will never know the truth and regardless what she thought in that messed up brain of hers, it’s irrelevant… we WERE MARRIED. She actually thinks she is a good person. Good people do not go around ruining children’s lives and sleeping with married men. Her M.O. is to find married or involved men at work and go after them. She has no morals. I have no idea how she can be ok with what she did. My daughter deserves an apology from this person but that will never happen . To ask forgiveness you have to acknowledge what you did wrong and OWN it. She can do neither of those things. I can’t wait for the day she gets cheated on herself, to know the pain I have felt.

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