Blake Bearden — Canton, Illinois

This scum knocked up his high school girlfriend after pressuring her to have s*x. While she was pregnant, he slept with at least two other girls —one of whom became pregnant and he demanded she get an abortion. After only 6 months of coming around a few times a week, he stopped showing up and ignored all the many times he was called to visit his daughter. He then told everyone his ex girlfriend told him he could never see his daughter again (lies) and blamed her for missing out on 5 years of his daughter’s life. Let’s be dear, for three and a half years, De he lived in the same town and never once dropped by to see his kid. His daughter’s aunt is his doctor, for Christ’s sake. He could have at any time visited with his infant child. He never chose to. When the baby was 8 months old, the mother started dating someone new who filled the role of parent left behind by Blake. This little family picked itself up and moved on together. After five years of this family being together, Blake gets married to a psycho who stalks the now five-year-old lithe girl on Facebook. She stole nearly 3 dozen photos, and made at least 4 fake profiles to get information on the child’s where abouts. This all started going on 6 months before they thought to file for a custody hearing. It is apparent that Blake did not have any intention of fighting for his rights, but it was his wife who drove the case forward. When this pedophile was no longer able to sate her sick obsession, she tried to trick friends and family of the real parents (the ones who actually stuck around to raise her) into giving away information and photos. She went so far as to attempt a kidnapping with the help of a Facebook friend. All the while, Blake knew this was going on and did nothing to cal off his wild dog. Now, the child hates him, but he refuses to make it any better while he forces her to stay at his in-laws house. He refused to drive himself to the visitation, insisting that he be driven by his mommy-in-law like a child. Then, he told the mother and other parent that he was living in his own home with his new wife, when he was not. He gave them both a fake address and took the child somewhere else. He also refuses to get a job and his wife sent a legion of idiots to verbally attack and cyber bully both of the child’s real parents. This is a little boy who didn’t actually want to be a daddy. Whenever she is around him, he all but ignores her, leaving his crazy wife to handle her at any moment. She has been staying with them for a few weeks now and she still is unfamiliar with everyone in the house. She doesn’t even know the names of the people who’s house she stays in. They do not take care of her, feeding her junk food that makes her sick and ignoring her basic hygienic needs. Why he chose to b**t in after five years, no one can really say. But he is the worst sort of scum.

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