Abby Miller — Arizona

Who I thought was my friend turned out to be a backstabbing, disgusting, unloyal B****! I watched her go through guys and do drugs and neglect her child. Do not bring her around your man she will literally mess with them and make them come running back to you because she’s so disgusting. She works at a fast food place making hot dogs and slushes. SHE IS SO JEALOUS AND ENVIOUS. I cannot start to explain how tired I was of hearing about her ex and his new girl. She plots on how to ruin people’s lives. She lives at her parents and drives a car she didn’t even buy. Everytime we went out she would get so drunk and act ignorant and mess with all kinds of guys. She has no standards or morals especially for being a young mother. This girl is the nastiest person ever. How she has custody of her kid? I don’t know. I hope she gets exposed for all she’s done. She almost ruined mine and my mans life because she’s a HOMEWRECKER! DONT TRUST HER DONT DATE HER DONT HIT HER UP unless you want to go into doctor’s offices for the rest of your life due to STDS!

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